Contract Addresses

For secure and transparent operations, TON Pools utilizes the following smart contract addresses:

  • Mainnet: EQA7y9QkiP4xtX_BhOpY4xgVlLM7LPcYUA4QhBHhFZeL4fTa

    • This is the primary contract address used for live transactions on the TON blockchain network.

  • Testnet: EQDH6brNVlhFfiQFeJjQHohBivAA66lQHhTbNqjgelHM2hb9

    • This address is for testing purposes, allowing users to safely experiment with the platform's features without using real funds.

To interact with these contracts and participate in the prize pools, visit our application at

Note: Always ensure you are interacting with the correct contract addresses to protect your funds.

Last updated