Quick Start

Get Started with TON Pools in Just a Few Simple Steps

Ready to dive into the world of secure and engaging crypto savings with TON Pools? Follow these easy steps to start earning, staking, and accumulating SAVE Points today:

1. Connect Your Wallet

  • Visit the TON Pools Website: Head over to our official website to begin your journey.

  • Click "Connect Wallet": Find the "Connect Wallet" button on the homepage.

  • Choose Your TON Wallet: Select your preferred TON wallet from the list of compatible options.

  • Authorize the Connection: Follow the prompts to authorize the connection, ensuring a secure link between your wallet and TON Pools.

Earn 500 SAVE Points just for connecting your wallet!

2. Choose a Prize Pool

  • Browse Available Pools: Explore the range of prize pools available on the platform.

  • Compare Prize Sizes and Odds: Review the prize sizes and winning odds to find the pool that best suits your strategy.

  • Select Your Pool: Choose the pool that aligns with your goals and risk appetite.

Remember, the more you stake, the more SAVE Points you earn!

3. Deposit TON

  • Enter Your Deposit Amount: Decide how much TON you wish to deposit into your chosen prize pool.

  • Confirm the Transaction: Approve the transaction details within your wallet.

  • Wait for Blockchain Confirmation: Your deposit will be confirmed on the TON blockchain, securing your entry into the prize pool.

Earn 5,000 SAVE Points per TON staked, plus bonus points for reaching staking milestones!

4. Participate in Weekly Draws

  • Automatic Entry: Your deposits automatically qualify you for the weekly prize draws—no extra steps required!

  • Check the Draw Schedule: Stay informed about the draw schedule for your chosen pool to track your chances of winning.

  • Monitor Your Participation: Use the platform’s dashboard to view your entries and check for any prizes won.

5. Monitor Your Deposits and Points

  • Track Your Progress: Access your personalised dashboard to monitor your deposits, potential winnings, and accumulated SAVE Points.

  • Stay Engaged: Participate in daily activities, join community events, and follow us on social media to earn additional SAVE Points.

6. Withdraw Anytime

  • Access Your Funds: Your principal amount is always available for withdrawal at any time.

  • Click "Withdraw": Navigate to the withdrawal section, specify the amount you wish to withdraw, and confirm the action.

  • Confirm in Your Wallet: Approve the transaction in your wallet to complete the process.

No penalties or fees for withdrawing your principal—your savings remain flexible!


You’re now part of the TON Pools community, actively earning, saving, and participating in a new way of crypto finance. Don’t forget to explore our User Guide for more detailed information on maximizing your experience, from using the platform effectively to accumulating SAVE Points for future rewards.

Start earning SAVE Points today and unlock new opportunities within the TON Pools ecosystem!

Last updated