Prize Pool Mechanics

Understanding how prize pools work is crucial to appreciating the value and excitement of TON Pools. Here's a detailed look at our prize pool mechanics:

Pool Formation

  1. User Deposits: Users deposit TON into their chosen pool.

  2. Aggregation: All deposits in a pool are aggregated.

  3. Staking: The aggregated amount is staked with TON validators.

Yield Generation

  • Staked TON generates yield over time.

  • Yield rate varies based on network conditions and validator performance.

  • A portion of the yield goes towards the prize pool.

Prize Pool Accumulation

  • Yield from all deposits in a pool contributes to the prize pool.

  • Prize pools accumulate over a set period (typically one week).

  • The size of the prize pool depends on:

    • Total amount staked in the pool

    • Current yield rates

    • Duration of accumulation

Prize Distribution

  • Regular draws (typically weekly) determine winners.

  • Depending on the pool size, prizes may be awarded either to a single winner or to multiple winners.

  • Prize structure example (every pool may have different structure):

    • 1 Grand Prize: 50% of pool

    • 5 Runner-up Prizes: 5% each

    • 50 Smaller Prizes: 0.5% each

Winning Odds

  • Odds of winning are proportional to the amount and duration of your deposit.

  • More TON deposited = More entries in the draw

  • Longer staking duration = More entries in multiple draws

Fairness and Transparency

  • Random number generation for prize draws uses verifiable random functions (VRF) on the blockchain.

  • All transactions and draws are recorded on-chain for full transparency.

Understanding these mechanics helps you make informed decisions about your participation in TON Pools. Remember, while the chance of winning adds excitement, the security of your principal deposit ensures that participating is always a win-win!

Last updated